What do guys think of pesto.tech an edtech similar to scaler?
My take , I have enrolled into the full stack development course for 2.7 lakhs , I from p5 batch of pesto , I sincerely regret in joining into pesto as if I have used that money to go for conferences or speak at conference I cloud made good connections which will some how help me realisation is all placement courses are shit no one can give you placements. Want to know others options?
Never heard of them tbh. Also you work at Amazon curious why you are enrolling in a course?
I am not an SDE, I am just a contract employee working here looking out for full time roles in full stack/ frontend, I have enrolled in pesto before this job because thinking that I would get a 50L to 1cr remote job
I see. Have never heard about this company before. Maybe others have. I was just curious about you ghaha
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