What's your honest opinion about Masters Union?
Recently think school has posted a video about them, it divided lot of people. Wdyt?

It's stemmed out of Lovely Professional University. That's enough to not waste time thinking about it

It's a complete ad! Not even subtle.
Finally the Think school hype will be over

Think school content is degrading day by day Even the content they post on Twitter is only about ai tool And the recent video they uploaded on YouTube on masterunion was so bad It was 100% ad

All wannabe ISBs are just start ups with a lot of marketing and no substantial product

Worked with some people who graduated from MU. Didn’t find them particularly smart honestly. Nowhere near Tier 2 mba grads

Masters' Union alum here (first batch). Leaving their marketing and hype aside, it's a good place to do management studies in India. If you're looking for brand or alumni from MBA, MU is not there yet. If you're looking for on campus experience, MU is far better than any other B-School in India. Access to top class oeprators & VCs, great diversity, and real focus on entrepreneurship.
Having said all these, I would do the same jokes if I see these ads without being MU student.

Meh. It's almost similar to alt mba platforms like Ggi or stoa. You're better off there than freaking master's union lmao

Anyone that has done their program and can share feedback on how it impacted their career?