Tata Investment Corporation

It's expensive 4k, could u explain y to buy it, hold, or short?

Current frenzy due to Tata Tech ipo. The run it witnessed was due to RBI norms that TATA Sons has to list by Sept 2025 since its in Upper layer NBFC list. As Tata invest holds Tata sons as its largest shareholding(nearly 68%), it witnessed a crazy run. If Tata sons list it’ll move more, anyway I’m bullish on long term in this.
Check shareholding of Tata Investment Corp here https://tatainvestment.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/SE_Int_AR.pdf
RBI news reference here https://www.livemint.com/market/ipo/tata-sons-ipo-rs-11-lakh-crore-company-has-to-list-by-this-date-under-rbi-norms-11694840857522.html

Kopran and JK paper. Check these if you are serious about investing some money

What makes u think they will be winners?

Kopran is a pharma stock. Pharmaceutical sector going to shine in 2024. The price of paper is increased which is going to benfit paper sector. Current price of kopran is 247. And current price of jk paper is 412. Check them after one month and ping me here.

Jyoti resigns and adhesives, only competitor of favicol

Infosys - I think they will beat all the odds and continue to do so
