advise needed- want to get a golden retriver; i'm a bachelor
What should i be aware of when getting a pet? What kind of cost should i budget in? Also i've wfo, that means the pet will be alone for 6-7 hours a day. I live in blr, society is nice, so it'll have lots of space for dog to play, once i take them outside for a walk.
This is for a dog/puppy:
If you are living alone, Don't get a pet. As you'll be in the office for 6-7hrs. Because you will get a puppy first, and they'll not know how to live alone for such long hours. It affects their behaviour a lot.
We need to train them living alone, like in the beginning for just a few minutes,then a few hours and so on. .
And if you are adopting an already grown up dog, you'd first need to understand their behaviour before leaving them alone for long hours.
That's my advice
Kalan Everett
2 months ago
Try fostering first. Since you are alone, go for an older dog that’s already housebroken - and adopt don’t shop! We have very cute indies that are no less than breed dogs
Karilyn Denver
2 months ago
Might want to get a cat instead. You can leave them for longer hours. dogs get very lonely and might start destroying your stuff out of frustration.