This is in the b2b context.. Farmers want better prices, customers won’t pay for the higher cost.. the Indian agri supply chain is a broken one but it’s frugal and efficient in its own ways.. loading costs on it that don’t pay for themselves quickly aren’t sustainable no matter what the consultants say on their decks.. EVERY product has existing entrenched players who have tried much of what the startup’s are doing or are doing what the startups are doing.. if the existing players aren’t doing something then there’s probably a reason for it.. how are the start ups better? Poor understanding of risks - credit, quality, storage, adverse price movements, employee fidelity. Weak systems due to lack of people who are from the industry.. lack of controls, whatever are there are set by people who don’t understand or have never worked in agri biz. auditors who depute 20 something year old kids who haven’t worked in real life businesses to evaluate determine processes and existing trade practices, copy paste retail processes on bulk commodity businesses, customers and vendors protestations be damned.. investors relentlessly pushed for unreasonable growth rates that no traditional business would ever push for because they know that sensible checks and balances would be thrown to the winds if they did so.. issues with revenue recognition and quality of debtor balances on books; poor provisioning practices .. investors themselves incentivised such practices by way of higher valuations..
and so it goes on..