Asking Humans vs GPT to choose a number between 1-10
Very interesting that GPT3.5 has similar characteristics to human respondents.

Perhaps it can be deduced that corpus of data accumulated on the internet 🛜 contains subliminal information ℹ️ about human behaviour.

Could very well be. @salt It is becoming obvious that Large Language Models have moderate generalizability. Likely, due to the increase in number of parameters that the LLMs are being trained on to create foundation models.

@Jackietrader Ofcourse, however in my opinion we are at the exact inflection point where this technology just goes hypersonic.
Currently GPT3/3.5/4 based models do good enough that they can beat the bottom quartile.
It would be interesting to see, how good they can get now.

Pick random number from 1-10….. 47 humans pick zero. Chad move.

Humans just too 🤪