Buying a house 🏡 as investment
Should we buy it at Hitech City 🌆 as apartment or outskirts as 3 Storied building 🏢 as it generates rental income , suggest where should I buy
Should we buy it at City 🌆 centre as apartment or outskirts as 3 Storied building 🏢 as it generates rental income
Investment Intent matters. Source of funding matters. Asset Allocation post investment matters.
In general Rental income ROI is not that great. Official figures are 3-4%. Considering one lucky, and successfully timing the real-estate market cycles, may end up making 7-9%. It's not that easy as it appears, maintainance overhead is always there. 3 story in any city center - fully legal and compliant to all laws is also difficult to find. Risk is unknown and undefined here.
Should we buy it at Hitech City 🌆 as apartment or outskirts as 3 Storied building 🏢 as it generates rental income , suggest where should I buy
Insurance, investments, loans - fire away, happy to share the information I have / researched
Let's say you are earning ~ 2 Lakhs per Month, living in Hyderabad.
You have No savings - Bank balance Zero and U want to Buy some property With Loan or By saving up something.
The real estate is skyrocketed. So the rates are higher no...