LinkedIn e-lafda
Folks are calling out Upcred.ai for non-sensical JD. I was surprised to learn it’s a Cred (invested)company 😂

Why isn’t anyone discussing Cogoport on LinkedIn, the article didn’t get much traction. Why ?
Some excerpts please?
Monthly reviews on 5 star scale 1/2 star- paycut 15% 3 star - unchanged 4/5 star- bonus 15/25%
Consecutive 1/2 stars = 50% paycut No objective reviews. All arbitrary
Best: Cant go out or move around office without justifying to a security guard and entering your details and reason
About what exactly?
World Cup + no one cares about cogoport
I’m super confused with this cogoport incident, can’t the company sue for what the person has done? I mean to me this seems like a punishable offence but not sure what the legal procedures are related to intellectual property.
This article came before the incident came to light, article covers its HR policies
the article itself is batshit crazy, I'm not able to read it lol.
Folks are calling out Upcred.ai for non-sensical JD. I was surprised to learn it’s a Cred (invested)company 😂
Is it just mine or is everyone’s LinkedIn blowing up with absolute crap. Like the most basic thing people are posting and making it sound like they discovered something huge or they’ve found some crazy insights.
Everyone is trying to...
The day I don't have to open LinkediN any more to look for jobs, is the day I'll have accomplished all I need to in l...
This has been happening for a long time. You probably need to revamp your feed by making changes in your network...