
I believe a little bit of gatekeeping in tech is important

I used to get carried away by the random yt videos of people sharing day in the life videos doing absolutely nothing. And on top of that, most of them had videos where they got a job after 6-8 months of bootcamp. Now, after struggling to find a full time job after graduating with multiple internship experience, getting a backend role with the condition of "one month internship and full time offer only if you can pick up backend and build features". I realise there is no golden ticket. I must work hard, atleast in the initial career and build hard tech skills. I see a lot of my peers struggling and they still think just being a React engineer will help them get a gig in this shitty market. I feel seniors(on social media) should tell the truth, that it's not easy it's very boring and shitty but if you sit long enough you will start getting it, and the next day or the next feature it's all the same happening again




a year ago

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