Disaster named “Trudeau”
When the whole world is coming to India for FTAs, this guy is writing a suicide story for already crippled Canadian economy. A “could be” statement from a Prime Minister 🥱
When the whole world is coming to India for FTAs, this guy is writing a suicide story for already crippled Canadian economy. A “could be” statement from a Prime Minister 🥱
And still a lot of people are migrating to so called crippling Canada over India speaks a lot about the situation in India ig.
Not everyone wants to allow religion hatred in his country.
Trudeau baby raging because we bullied him in public during G20.
News article on Sept 18 2023 - household income falls to a 50year low. But humko tho public main bullying ki padi hey!
LOL! NOT household income but 'savings'.
Only LeLi pidis are breaking into alarmist tangents, that too after sinking the Indian economy ship since 1947. Takes courage and amazing shamelessness.
Savings taking a dip is to be EXPECTED because it comes fresh on the backdrop of Covid-19 that plagued us for 2 years. Savings once depleted, fills up with a lag effect. Plus, out of covid-19 Indians, as per data, seem to be going on a spending binge including availing loans to buy RE, further depleting savings.
Here is the data you should look at Pidi:
Net new job creation of 2.27 crore between FY20-23.
Given we had the pandemic, in between, one can safely assume Indian growth is not 'jobless' as peddled by Congi bootlickers. 2.27 crore will easily amount to 1 crore+ jobs a year, a metric set by Chornia's UPA-2 Government but something that was NEVER met during their tenure.
One man's activism is another man's terrorism and one man's terrorism is another man's activism. Deep shit.