
Do you believe in user feedback?

I've been given task of talking to few users every month, although i do it for the sake of showing it on paper, i don't find any real value out of it.

It's an activity that just drains my time.

I know what needs to be built, and have insights that hardly anyone in my org has.

Do you really think it is that important?

12mo ago
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I have had the same task for sometime now, while it is personally draining I feel it is important to validate our thesis and get a first hand feedback from customers.


We are creating products for users; it’s important to understand their pain points and requirements. Good products often have a good user research team.

If possible convince your leadership to create a UXR team. It needs to be done properly and definitely not for the sake of it. An experienced user researcher can get the right insights from users or validate a hypothesis. All you need to do is read the reports and listen to a few meeting recordings.

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