I am actually a nodejs developer 2 yoe . I feel that Javascript is not sort of ideal language to learn and practices dsa and competitive programming.
Except Javascript, I am not good in any pgm language.
Can anyone guide me which language I shall choose... My thoughts are like
C++ :- most preferred language for dsa and cp but has almost no application in majority of Indian IT industry. Learning c++ would mean learning it only for dsa and no other application.
Python :- Has good application in industry but not sure about anything else. Heard that there are complex data structures pre built so not an idea choice.
3.Java :- Very much becoming sort of legacy language, too many fremworks etc and not to mention I scored 40% in java in my college so totally abhoring it.
Please guys, give me suggestions and help me.. I have around 8 months to learn language and practice dsa, cp and all