How to identify your Layoff probability
Most lowest, low to Mid ratings (identified by your manager)
High TC — if you are in the same level for a long time (> 3 years) and your TC is reaching the top of that band.
High initial stock grant (possible by great offer negotiation skills) and you are approximately in the 2nd or 3rd year (when you got the most pay)
those who get retention offer in the past and your TC is L + 1 but not performing at L+1. Time to cut the cost.
Coasters: if your manager carefully Evalates your criticality and concluded you are easily replaceable
People who consistently complaining their teams are too busy too much pressure too bad WLB are in danger too.
How to minimize your chance of being laid off
- Tell your manager you don’t need any tc increase,or tc is not your career goal
2 tell your manager you are willing to work hard and have no complaints. If you took 2 ppl work, no one will choose to let you go!