
Fact !

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8mo ago
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Yeah, real India is in slums. Typical western view.

faCT! aGREe???


You seem to live in a gated community, otherwise how could someone define everything outside the elite colonies as slum !


This is the same rtarded argument as if you’re poor your opinion holds no value. This time the difference is you’re doing to GV where everyone is atleast upper mid - well @YourAltAccount what if he’s not. This political class which thinks the nation is doomed is always going to be the enemy. The nation has faults but you guys crying - behind the guise of “spread awareness vroo” like goras is the trouble.


Really? That's pathetic man! First of all gated communities are also India. Why are people so biased that India is only slums and poverty? Antilla and Dharavi, both are India. Starbucks and Chai ki tapri both are India.
Unlike USA, India is not defined by it's infrastructure but more by it's culture like Japan. You don't go to Japan to witness the big billboards in Tokyo but to watch the culture in the little streets. Don't compare India with shitty USA who lost it's culture after British colonization in the process of development and is now trying to find it with the gender issue and wokeism.


India is much more than slums and gated communities my friend. Also you might have to unlearn the western definition of culture.


The white man is jealous. he is panicking. He knows their society's destruction is close. They no longer set the rules. Worst part is they life is now depended on browns like us. Within their own country they envy the growth and the contribution of the brown man. That desperation is coming out.


Very well put . One can live in a gated community, go yo high end mall or fine dining for recreation, take foreign vacation, work in a top corporate office , all this and get insulated from real India .
Probably you are only suffered by bad air and mosquitoes, which can be remediated and bad traffic and bad roads, which is the only problem.


How? Are people living in trailer parks in the states insulated from the US?

Opulence is something that everyone in developing nation yearns for. Nothing wrong with and it doesn’t mean you are disconnected or unaware about your own country, it’s a lifestyle upgrade. It happens in the west too just at a different level - people start owning yatchs and flying private vs regular folks taking the bus.

Only difference is that the income threshold in the west is much higher than India. Thus, juxtaposition of well off folks vs the median is so stark.


Wasn't this guy doxxed earlier 🧐


Who ?


The one who tweeted this. Looks like a hippopotamus and used to tweet on aesthetics and stuff.


It's actually stupid what is being said. No body is escaping nor India is holding you. People move in search of better life (it can be anything in their own perspective). The second part of the statement is a complete BS!

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