In this world everyone is playing a status game. The game you have been studying and preparing for since college is the software engineering one. High rating on codeforces, high salary, big brand name on resume they all help you win the status game in this world.
Now the business world is something else. Study that status game too before going into it. Self satisfaction and self worth in today's world, people derive from playing and winning these status games. Though we shouldn't need a certificate from the world to determine self worth but the brutal reality is that's how it is and it is what it is.
So yeah for your own happiness and satisfaction study the business game, make a check list of things that determine you winning that status game there.
Also don't worry too much about network because both sides are FOMO driven. Each would think grass is greener on the other side.
Software engineers might envy the autonomy and potential rewards of running your own business, while business folks (you) might covet the prestige and perks of a shiny FAANG tech job. It's a constant tug-of-war, but ultimately, focusing on your own path and what brings you fulfillment is key.
Since, in the long term you don't see working at a job, and you have an option to take a step in the direction of your long term goal, you have a good opportunity that's all I would say.