
From MBA To GenAI: Stoa Makes Hard Pivot To Enterprise Agent ‘Zeus’

  • Stoa introduces Zeus, an AI enterprise agent for organizational alignment and task automation.
  • Zeus features include meeting minutes, work assignments, research, and more, accessible via email inbox.
  • Stoa School, an alternative to traditional MBA courses, continues but halted new sign-ups earlier this year.
  • Founders Kulkarni and Kunkolienkar have been teasing Zeus on LinkedIn, calling it a CEO's best friend and AI Chief of Staff.
  • Despite multiple attempts, Inc42 couldn't get more details from Stoa; early-access applications for Zeus are open.

Source: Inc42

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3mo ago
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Stoa, mesa, growthschool all of these have been trying to become reforge in India with a placement angle or increase earning potential as the outcome. Most of the courses are generic and doesn't add any hard skill ot thought muscle to an I divodual but gives a sense of being in the top 1%.

GrowthX used to be good but lately they have also gone down the drain with so many mentors and everyone being a 'growth expert' and don't have any hard technical skill. All of them want to move to founders office or growth manager roles.


Of course it's an AI pivot. Not even surprised.

This too shall shut in 2-3 years, their team doesn't have any relevant experience for this and bigger giants are already way ahead of them.

Painful to watch tbh, what lengths ego drives people to.

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