A faster Grapevine app + Latest Grapes leaderboard
Please do update your app to access the fastest Grapevine yet :)
Also look at these absolute champs 👇
This is something codechef has done really well.
Have a weighted score for each Active Grapeviner, sort and display top 10 contributors live.
Score Calculation:
score = alpha* (Average likes per post )per user + beta * log (base e)(Average Comments per post) per user
Log of average comments because, log(x) grows slowly when x increases. Don’t want to go for unique comments because there are conversation threads as well.
Cap score contribution from individual user to 15 comments at maximum, so as to avoid gamification.
Calculate alpha and beta as per what is more critical.
Effectively, run it against varying values of alpha and beta. Then look at the corresponding score vs frequency of users histogram.
Whichever represents the closest to a normal distribution approximation, use those values of alpha and beta.
And what do the most active users get?
IDK how to tag people here but yeah Michael Scott needs to see this ngl. Maybe we could all just pitch ideas here and they can test the good ones.
Like maybe having a feature to tag , maybe a DM feature as well.
Clout. Social networks work on the underlying principle of human emotionality.
Why are users active? Why do users create content? Why do users respond to comments?
How do you make them “active”?
Focus on their “need to be recognised”
To answer your question, this feature allows users to be recognised and gain notoriety, thereby increasing content available on the platform, since top contributors become more “famous”, their posts/responses become more credible.
Interestingly, you can have a “top contributor” flair or similar special flairs for these posters, this also increases user trust on content posted by them.
This will give incentive for shit posting, eventually diluting everything and becoming quora.
@CodingNinja There isn’t any incentive for that. I wish you would’ve read the scoring metric mentioned in the comment I posted.
You can’t game Average Likes per Post unless people really enjoy what you posted over all posts in a 30 day period.
Average Comments per Post can’t be gamed as it is capped at 15 comments per user per post. Plus, the entire metric is log(x), calculate log 10, log 20, log 30, log 60, log 70, log 80 and log 100. Plot on a graph and you’ll realise that it doesn’t scale linearly with x.
Now try and explain how your argument is relevant?
I mean if the fix the findIndex bug, I would suggest such features.
I have even more Product ideas that will make sure that Grapevine becomes 1B+ market cap company.
Grapevine >>> Hood Why? Hood has no clarity. Grapevine? It solves a pressing painpoint, you are politically correct on LinkedIn but you have often have contrary views.
It reduces the friction of you considering whether something will affect your personal brand or not.
I have a few quirky ideas that users will be willing to pay for, as well. Let’s see how Gvine leadership responds to this.
@salt epic stuff 🙌🏻🙌🏻
May need to read and understand this with a clear mind tomorrow
Def putting this on the list of imp things to be made 😇
Love the energy and ideas! Possible to speak with you somehow? If you don’t mind.
If you want to stay anon, happy to just keep talking via comments too 🙏
Please do update your app to access the fastest Grapevine yet :)
Also look at these absolute champs 👇
Congratulations and a hearty thanks to all the top writers
We’ll also soon be sharing a top 50 list in a separate update
Hi Grapeviners
Over the last month or so we announced two massive products that are as big as Grapevine itself: 1. Private Company groups with verification 2. Salaries on Grapevine
Thousands of you have since adopted these pro...