Grapevine scroll bug
I’ve been an avid user of grapevine for the past couple of months but lately have been noticing a scrolling bug once I cross around 45 posts. The app starts auto scrolling back up to previous posts and after a few attempts to continue scrolling, the screen just goes blank. Previously the app used to literally auto close but that behaviour seems to have stopped.
I am in iOS and the app is updated to the latest version. Using a iPhone SE OG, if that matters.
It’s a problem in the app, also tried reporting it but the contact button requires me to have the mail app in my iOS app.
They reply on twitter
They should allow option to edit comments itna common crud feature nai hora inse
No one goes so far
It’s not a phone issue, it’s to do with the paging algorithm they’re using. If there’s a new post by the time you reach the next page, the last post of previous page is also returned. (Standard page=n) Fix would be modifying the algo to return posts “after” the last post instead. Had mentioned this once before but seems mr Scott is busy adding trending posts in comments instead