How’s life at Ninjacart
I’m interviewing with Ninjacart, and got an offer from another company. I’m wondering if I should continue interviewing for Ninjacart, or abort? How’s the tech culture there ?

It was bad previously but they have inproved a lot over last 1.5 years, especially in product

If you know about slice, how do you compare both ?

I dont know about slice, so cant compare, sorry.
My only point is dont go by what you read online about ninjacart. It is true that their culture was shit till 2 yrs back, but they have worked really hard to turn it around. Their leadership openly acknowledges that there were issues and they have worked on correcting them. Couple of my very close friends work there, so I can vouch for the current culture

Really bad company. Check out all the prev pms who’ve worked there or enggs, tenure is really small.
Business folks are rude. Avoid them at all cost. Glassdoor reviews which are bad are the real ones. The good ones are planted.