
Input regarding side hustle

Dear all,

I plan to start a software solutions LLP alongside my current job (I can not leave it as I am the sole earner in family but require to start planning for a better future alongside down the yeara). I do not shy away from the x% of hardwork required in the journey but want to know from the experienced people here -

  1. % of trouble I might run into legally if i keep it hidden and my product/services starts making money?

  2. Kind of conflict I might face from current company or future company in case they really get aware of my side business?

  3. From people into freelancing - how do you guys manage the finance part (i.e., the money you receive from the client : does it cause any problem to company via your PAN association or so??)

--> Point 3 might not be that clear, but I hope you got the picture: just that whatever money we get from freelancing - any way our organization to know that we are doing so?

I thank you for your time, input, and support.

3mo ago
App Promo

I have trading company registered and has four interns . I am on same page bro. Let we in touch 🙂


What does your company trade into?


Registering a company in india is a hassle and takes time, effort and CA. My recommendation would be to build whatever you want to first and if it gets some traction, you can get it registered then.


Hello there. Yes, I get your suggestion. I want to first cater to some contract roles, fairly simple service providing- to generate cash inflow and understanding market/product need better. Once I am at a minimum viable standpoint, I will push for my product.

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