is there someone who actually...LOVES their job?
Too much negativity everywhere. I just want to find ppl who genuinely like what they are doing. If you are one, what do you do and what makes you happy?
Too much negativity everywhere. I just want to find ppl who genuinely like what they are doing. If you are one, what do you do and what makes you happy?
Am too old to love my job. Relaized am just a cog in the wheel. I work for money. When i hear the mgmt team talk nonsense about purpose and adding value, i happily smile to his face and laugh in my mind.
Am here for the money. The company can fuck itself.
I work in the free to play mobile gaming industry. I lead the product and revenue for a AAA rated game with a global player base. I absolute love my work as it makes me think deeply about my own game as a player and come up with content and revenue / product strategies
I have been in digital marketing for 5.5 years now with the last 3 years as a social media marketing manager and I absolutely love it. Especially the paid campaigns part of it where we get to understand the psychology of human mind and how we can use that to sell our products/solutions/services. I’ll soon be transitioning into Talent Acquisition marketing. Hope to say the same for that.
could you elaborate more on the psychology part of it?
Sure man! So let’s say I have to market product A to Nigeria. In my job, I get to research specifics such as the color prevalent in that region, the words that would attract them, the time of day they’ll be online, which platform they’d use etc. There’s a famous saying that you place a product in the mind of the customer. I get to do that. :)
Hope this answers it?
A job is a job. There would be days, you would feel like “ What am I doing?” and some days, it would be “ WHAT AM I DOING?”
For e.g: if you are working for Swiggy, you may think that you are enabling employment for so many poor folks who otherwise would have been unemployed.
On the other hand, you can think of Swiggy enabling the lazy bums by ordering food and not doing anything on their own!
It’s always going to be two perspectives and some days, you will think of the bright side and some days the gloomy side!
Try to treat them the same! A job is a job and you do it because you have to not because you want to!
People ordering in swiggy are lazy bums. If you cant go out to eat your food. Whats the point in earning money?
I love my job. Currently unemployed.
Absolutely do.
And am always surprised when I meet people who despise their job.
If this is just a fun question ok 👍 .. but do not draw any inference from it .. 1] because most people love the job at sometime and do not at other time( this could be even when they are in the next job ) . It depends when you are asking them .. 2] if most do not love it , does not mean you cannot love your job
Thinking of it.. i do agree on this point. I do sonetine like my job. If i see my actual work requirment i can finish it off in a couple of hours in a day. But then i stay in the office for the day. The most iritaing part is when my manager says i nèed to look for more oppurtunities in my role and cpntribute more. So to avoid this nonsense the work that can be completed in1 hour i usally dp over 5 or 6 hrs.
Totally aligned on this @Qwerty2398
I'm a PM at a web3 startup and I absolutely love what I do. I loved my previous company and the people there and I love my new company as well.
Tbh I think I'm extremely lucky in getting selected into the right companies with great culture.
I do. I have always done. It's just the people you might or might not like. My time at fractal was the best. Even at the a service company we used to build stuff and bring value to enterprices by using their data. Kind of pretty good job, both tech and consulting work.
Now in a product company, some people I like, many i don't, but when it's just me and my work. Am absolutely good and happy at heart