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But I see most of my mbb friends working around the clock. Including ones at Bain.

Wlb gets worse post layoff?


Not really, pretty much the same levels (12-13 hours a day on average). But it has impacted how much flexibility we have in choosing a project, since there are such limited folks on bench now, staffing is very pushy on any project that comes up if you are available

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by ZoomyDonutStealth

Rejected my offer from Bain to join a startup 6 years ago - best decision in hindsight

Was just reading The Ken’s article they posted today around what went behind Bain’s recent layoffs - made me think a lot. More so because I rejected my offer from Bain in college to go join a startup.

Bain is a titan in the consulting...

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Never believed consulting created any real business value. The model is itself self defeating. Great decision , joini...

by DerpyUnicornPhonePe

What did your manager/leadership do?

After there was a layoff at your company 1- Impacted by layoff : Did your manager/team mates connect with you to keep you motivated? 2- The ones not impacted - Did your leadership/manager set up a team call to explain the reason for layo...

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I've seen them do both. It's not a choice, just the right thing to do. Leadership does need structured coachin...