Layoffs coming up at Paytm
Heard that Paytm is planning to layoff 10% of entire work force. Across all levels.
Heard cases that folks who were hired at market premium less than 30 days ago are now being asked to leave the organisation.
And the layoffs will be hidden under the guise of mid year appraisals. #PaytmKaro

Actually, these are not layoffs. They recently changed their PIP policy and set a " at least 10%" quota for compulsory PIP every review cycle(half and full). Basically, it implies that 20% of the entire Paytm workforce will be on PIP in the entire year. Brace for the impact folks. September half yearly reviews are going to be brutal. For Paytm employees asking for source, checkout PIP policy page on Deep Purple.

Does that mean the app will finally be less bloaty? All I want is to pay for groceries!

Lol. This means it will become more shit because new folks - who will be hired 2 months later will not know shit - and VSS will implement mindless shit to make UX even worse

well that's disappointing. have heard VSS is not one of the good guys to work with.

Someone should leak this thread to media....see a lot of comments by vss these days in media...would like to know his comment on this thread too π

Why don't you do it?

Any idea from digital marketing team? Can it be affected?

All teams will be affected