Looking for Business Analyst at Deloitte Hyderabad
Hi all, I’m working as an Analyst at KGS in Bangalore. I’m looking for opportunities in Deloitte Hyderabad.
Feel free to reach out to me
Hi all, I’m working as an Analyst at KGS in Bangalore. I’m looking for opportunities in Deloitte Hyderabad.
Feel free to reach out to me
Hello everyone I'm currently looking for a business analyst role with overall experience of 4.9 years.please let me know if any openings are there in your organizations. Prefered Location: Bangalore
Hello everyone I'm currently looking for a business analyst role with overall experience of 4.9 years.please let me know if any openings are there in your organizations. Prefered Location: Bangalore
Hello everyone,I am looking for a job opportunity as a business analyst with overall experience of 4.9 years.prefered location will be Bangalore.. please let me know if any openings will be there in your organization. Thank you.