Looks like founders are mostly betting on a 10-20% appraisal for employees this year
Source: Inc42 survey

10-20? That's what too high, would be surprised if it hits 10 in most companies at an avg level

@Gerald_Bieber might just be a spillover effect. 2023 was too bad in terms of appraisals. 2024 might have economic recovery Founders know they could see employees leaving if they don't keep it competitive.

Yeah that will happen, infact it's happening already with HR trying to keep in people with gifts and promises of appriasals before NYE . But even with that I would be surprised if at an avg level it crosses 10. There are scores of companies that have shut down so the demand is still less than supply of talent. U might see a skewed appraisal where the really good performers get paid 10-20 % while the rest are just asked to leave so that a new crop at lower values can be hired

Eh this is relative to current compensation. If my manager gets 10% he’ll be super happy 😂