I'm 23M. My friend, same age as me, is literally one of the most brilliant programmers I know - built his first app at 15 and won every hackathon in college. We started a SaaS startup 6 months ago that helps small businesses automate their inventory. Got a 500k seed round cause investors loved his tech demo.
But I'm losing my fucking mind dealing with him.
He codes like a genius when he wants to, but that's the problem - when he wants to. Won't show up till 2pm cause "he codes better at night". Won't push updates for weeks then drops massive changes at 3am that break everything. Our beta users are pissed cause features they need are sitting in his "almost done" list for months while he builds random shit that excites him.
I handle everything else - customer support, investor updates, sales calls, documentation, bug reports, and he still has the nerve to say I don't understand tech enough. His new gaming friends are over at our office all the time for "LAN parties" that last till morning while I'm trying to run a fucking company.
Don't get me wrong - when he actually sits down to code, he's incredible. Built our core product in 2 weeks. But now he's more interested in playing League of Legends and watching coding livestreams than fixing critical bugs. Says "real startups don't have fixed hours" whenever I bring it up.
I really need advice. We have a product that could be huge, users who actually want to pay us, but I'm watching it all slip away cause my co-founder would rather speedrun Elden Ring than talk to customers. I don't wanna lose a friend but my mental health is fucked from carrying this whole thing alone.