Rant: Some of ya'll in this community just really hate women
I understand that most of the tech community is men, and probably in this community as well. But some of y'all just make me lose hope, in seeing how pathetic your thought processes are.
Women don't need to work cause India's GDP doesn't demand so? Excuse me? Have you heard of financial independence. Some of us want that.
The next thing is diversity hiring. Diversity hiring is needed because of regressive thought processes like these that discourage and inhibit the progress of women in the workplace. Women in general, have to go through a lot more in comparison to men in life.
Consider an example: You are a guy going to university, you mom does everything for you, you have enough time to study and do everything you want, go out with friends.
Now another girl in your class might be expected to do housework, along with studies. If she doesn't score well she is threatened to be married off. As a result she only has so much time to study and not do extra curricular activities, while the guy can do all of that just because of the privilege of being male.
This is why the bar of entry is lowered, so that women who are struggling in life, fighting their way through these odds can progess in life.
Even if women who don't have these situations benefit, even if it benefits one person, makes their life better. How does it even bother you?
Instead you want to make thier lives hell by shitting on them as diversity hire.
Please learn empathy. Learn to respect and understand the struggles of others, regardless of their gender. Also acknowledge that as a male you have more privileges than women, because we are in a patriarchal society, which is why women need a helping hand sometimes.
Wow. So much generalization..
You have 2 extreme situations of women.
- The struggling women that you are describing.
- The rich women that don't have these issues and have everything provided for by their family.
And you have two extreme situations of men.
- Men that have to provide for their families
- Rich men that have been provided for by their family.
The blunder in your text is looking at the first kind of women and the second kind of men only.
Let me respond to some of your points.
You speak of women that have to work at home but conveniently ignore men that have to work outside after school to bring in money. Why?
You speak of men whose mother's make food for them but ignore the women that get all sorts of luxury provided for. Why?
I am not trying to justify the bigoted. They exist. Among men. And among women. But from my experience, these are far and few in between. The vast majority of men that complain about lowering the bar for women do so when they witness the bar being lowered for rich women that did not have to struggle ever in their life but recruited in the name of DEI. At the cost of poor men who work their asses off to provide for their mothers and sisters.
Let me not even get started on the rich entitled women that want their husbands or fathers to provide everything for them.
TL;DR Have DEI for poor women that had to struggle at my cost, sure. I will be understanding of it. Give an opportunity to a poor guy at my cost. Sure. I will be understanding of it. Because I am relatively privileged. However, completely ignoring the existence of rich spoiled women getting an opportunity not just at my cost but at the cost of the other 2, I find you immature.
And honestly, you haven't a clue when you say I am more privileged because I am a man. None of that privilege comes for free. None.
“From my experience these are far and few in between “ my guy, diversity hires, reservations or anything for that matter is not decided upon your experience. There is a reason why the government conducts surveys. I request you to please log in to government portals and check surveys on gender imbalance in workplaces you’ll be quite surprised.
P.S. Don't bring up stuff like, what if a women employee harassed a male employee. If that is the case the women employee should face the consequences. Please don't use 1 in a 1000 scenario to justify your hate towards women and how men are the victims in every scenario.
Then why are you bringing probability to justify your case? Even if it's 1 in a 1000 then does that one innocent person deserve to be harassed? Multiply that 0.001% by 700 million males in this country and you now have 10s of thousands of them..... does their suffering don't matter?
And you are justifying diversity hiring and workplace privilege which we DO see very commonly by women doing more house chores? Really? In 2023? .... All the bachelor guys going to different cities for IT jobs... are there mums magically flying to their houses and PGs to do cooking and cleaning for them?
We do understand women face a lot of problems in life, we all have mums/sisters/daughters who we care deeply about but that doesn't mean we don't suffer a similar set of problems of our own. Leave the victim mentality at the door before trying to have a proper discussion.
i don't think you understood the point im trying to make. the type of discrimination men and women face are different. their problems are different. and the example i gave is one such example.
for women it an can be discrimination based on skill, ability etc. while men it could be something else.
i am not using probability to justify. i am just saying dont use the same generic statement to diminish statements made by someone.
anyway you feel free to criticise, what i said. i just said what i wanted to 👍🏼
Great post.
I hope this stays till entry points and hiring.
Once hired and real work needs to be done and still if the above logic is being used then we are a lost cause.
after a point its i do believe its essentially skill and a bit of luck that takes you forward. diversity is needed for providing the entry point.
Username checks out. If your entire personality is generalizing and hating on men then I pity you.