How is Redseer Consulting
They got a pretty small team in Bangalore. The work seems good and the company has also shown decent progress in a decade. I will be joining them in a while and wanted to know what I'm going in for
Hi everyone, i have been dying to enter redseer as a consultant or what they say "business analyst" and have been prep but i am hell scared. Company might be coming to campus anytime soon.
Please give some suggestions to ace the interview. I am manifesting redseer so hard!
They got a pretty small team in Bangalore. The work seems good and the company has also shown decent progress in a decade. I will be joining them in a while and wanted to know what I'm going in for
Hi everyone, I am dying to enter redseer as a strategy consultanr or business analyst as they say, company might be coming to campus soon, please give me some suggestions on how to ace in interview😭
I really really want to be there and...
Hello All,
I'm working as a Data Scientist in capgemini and had an experience of 2.5yrs. Now i want to shift to any other company, To do that i need to make myself strong for interviews i need to face in the coming days. So, Please gi...
what are my chances of landing a job (considering i have gotten decent-ish projects on my resume) Have only done the below topics: