SIP issue in February
Hey guys,
I have a doubt. I have a SIP in mutual fund. I am a bit confused about February month. Let's say my SIP date is on 2nd Feb, so what would be the next SIP date ? I don't think it would be 2nd of march as the difference between these two dates would be 28 days only but as far as I know, there should be atleast 30 days gap between two installments in SIP.
Would be great if anyone can clarify this. 😅
There is no rule saying there has to be 30 days gap between SIP. When you set up SIPs it on specific date of a month. So yes next SIP will be 2nd March itself.
Bro, I think you are wrong here. It says there has to be a minimum of 30 days gap between two installments.
Aah okay, actually 30 days difference mandate is only for your 1st and 2nd SIP installment after that it happens on the date you have mentioned. I didn't actually know this. Source:
@ap211 AFAIK, SIP is a long term game. 2 days here and there doesn’t have any effect on the returns in a longer time frame.
You can change the date of installment for Feb-March cycle. Also could you tell in which mutual fund you are investing?