Swiggy PM vs Headout PM - Which offer should I choose?
I've received offers for the PM role from both Swiggy and Headout and am uncertain which one to choose. Although I know the team function and dynamics play a crucial role, my information on that is limited. Here are my priorities for the next stint:
Good work culture & WLB - Don't want 12hr+ workdays, and random layoffs affecting my mental peace. From what I've gathered, Headout seems to better in this area. I've heard that Swiggy has a history of silent layoffs and that teams suffer from poor WLB.
Good learning curve - I’m looking for a role with less firefighting and more in-depth problem-solving. While this can vary by team, I've heard that Headout places a strong emphasis on professional growth by mentoring and providing quality projects.
Future exit opportunities - Swiggy's brand name is a significant factor, potentially offering more and better future opportunities compared to Headout.
Please help me with any reviews/experiences that you have for the product culture at both these orgs so that I'm able to make a more informed decision!
Headout. Go global.

What's the advantage with going global if it's a really small org? Swiggy will be a listed company in 6 mts. Pretty sure it'll be a well recognised org as well.
Again, I'm just playing devil's advocate here so that I can understand the core reasoning behind these suggestions.

You're inclined towards swiggy, then go for it bro. Why seek validation.
Swiggy will eat your WLB, Headiut being a global org cares about WLB - believe me when i say this, as i am working for a global org with a team of 40, nobody works beyond work hours unless there is some major issue or escalation. Every person leaves on time , joins on time and dont even ping you after work hours.
At the end, whether it's organization brand or peace of mind. You gotta choose, few thousand bucks here and there wont matter much because i am assuming the offers are close to each other.

What does your profile look like?

How is that relevant?

I'm just curuous. I'm also looking for a job. Will help.

Salary break-up? That'll help people to tell you which is better. Any ways its anon

Both are offering mid-30s. Swiggy slightly more than Headout. Also, keeping the next 2 yrs in mind, I'd end up making 4-5L more in Swiggy as compared to Headout. But the question is will I have to suffer much more for that extra money?

Go to head out in that case

Rhetorical qn