Term Insurance
Hey Folks! Planning to buy Term Insurance with 1Cr Cover. Which platform would you suggest? Ditto Insurance or Policy Bazaar?
Ditto are good. They are not salesy people. They are into advisory.
For Term insurance-
Go with an established one. Check their claim settlement rates.
Note - You are not buying this for yourself, instead you are buying this for the ones you’ll left behind.
Focus on easy, digital claim process and high claim settlement rates. The insurer should be there down the line 30-40-50 years.
PB is an aggregator of companies with corporate license. Ditto is an aggregator of individual advisors. You can buy from either of them. PB may be able to give you some discount though. If you rather prefer to buy offline, you may email me. I'm a registered advisor with Max life insurance in Bangalore having clients in different cities.
Ditto Insurance
Policy Bazaar is mental harassment. Use Ditto
Dm me. I am a financial planner and buying such insurance from those who are into same business is always better then buying with a third party because we can push for settlement in case of hurdles.