
Thoughts on Kalam's vision 2020

Vision 2020 was once the most popular motivation for India. Our renewed Target is 2047 which is far from now.

What are your thoughts on this? Are we on the right track? Can we achieve the dream of inclusive and developed India sooner ?

9mo ago
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We can if we collectively think about progressing the nation. It needs to be across multiple spectrums like food, education, infrastructure, technology, Healthcare and most importantly politics.

We can never grow as long as our politics is focused on religion and caste. If we cannot focus on the right things and the right people, we cannot hope to be a developed nation.

Just saying it will happen with no intention or the plan to make it happen doesn't help anyone!


I disagree. It has nothing to do with inferiority complex.

I agree that culture is something that's necessary to embrace our identity in our way. But if you think our politicians are the one who are upholding our culture, then you my friend couldn't be more naive


I don't think populace is forcing them. I think it's other way around. And religion isn't equal to culture or philosophy. Let's not mix these concepts.

Everything is disjointed by default wherever you go. It's us who think religion is a priority. But it's not. Even in religious hierarchy, god comes after education not before.

Religion isn't the most important thing. It's not something we need protection from or need politicians to protect it. If we are still doing it, it's entirely our choice and has nothing to do with development of the nation.

OP simply asks what's required for us to progress and I have mentioned what I envision for progress.

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