Survey for smallcase
Hey folks, just need 2 minutes of your valuable time. Fill out this form if you ever use smallcase app
Thanks in advance bhagwan apaka bhala kare🥰🥰
Hello everyone, we’re doing a capstone project for GrowthX. The project is Sri Mandir. If you ever use this product or heard about it kindly fill this form:
Promise it will take 1 minute!! Thank you.
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Hey folks, just need 2 minutes of your valuable time. Fill out this form if you ever use smallcase app
Thanks in advance bhagwan apaka bhala kare🥰🥰
Hey folks! I’m mentoring a start-up that’s working in the home decor space. Would be really helpful if you could fill out this quick survey. Would take hardly 5 mins but mean the world to us.
Hey folks on Grapevine; need your help with a project I'm working on for my capstone at GrowthX (peak Bengaluru junta, you may have heard of it).
❓Ask: Need 30 mins of your time to do a user research interview for MakeO (Toothsi/Skinnsi...