What is one personal finance habit that has changed your life?
I’ve noticed different people have different ways to approach their financial planning. Hoping to learn from each other and perhaps help others who read as well.
I’ve noticed different people have different ways to approach their financial planning. Hoping to learn from each other and perhaps help others who read as well.
If you 'want' to buy something, wait day or two (I wait a week) to know if my heart is still stuck at it. Generally (mostly) it is fleeting craving and I end up not buying.
This has kept my expenses very minimum
Uninstalled food delivery apps.
Following income - savings = expenses rather than income - expenses = savings
Monthly Fixed expenses are known before hand so that is already factored to arrive at the savings and what needs to kept aside for expenses
And also, spend on things when you want to. I don't make money to be a miser. In my 20s I'm not gonna save for my 30s. Because I know I'm not making even 20% of what I'll make in my 30s and 40s, no point overthinking rn
Yeah man, strongly agreed