What to pick (Bolt EU vs Japan based Telco)
Have offers from Bolt (Estonia) and a new age telco in Japan. Approx monthly savings post tax in INR Bolt - 2.2 lakhs Japan - 3 lakhs
Role wise, both are interesting. Culture wise, Bolt looks much better. Bolt has 50% WFH option and relatively less stressful work.
What would you choose and why?

Bolt is a no-brainer. Better wlb, $ upside, culture and future employability

Agreed. What do you think about overall Europe being saturated, and SEA a growing region, should that be taken into account?

- EU is not saturated for Tech, it is saturated for Industrials (and products). EU has great visibility for Tech even in UK & US
- Japan is not SEA and the Tech scene is not as mature

Hi @CreepyNoodle, I too have an offer from Bolt, but for the role of a growth Analyst. Can you tell me how the company, the culture and the country is, in general? How has life been in general for you in Estonia??

Both are bad. Read about Estonia before taking a decision. And be ready for a culture shock in case u choose Japan

Can you expand a bit more on Estonia? Couldn't find any red flags when I enquired