With Stoa School shutting down despite strong backing, what does this say about the future of niche edtech in a tough funding climate?
How safe is Masters union, Mesa, AltMBA etc.,

Edtech was never a viable business. Not viable, they didnt exist in the first place. Tuition class were home based tutoring to supplement the gaps in attention given by teacher in the classroom. it was supposed to help the weaker students catch up. Due to competitive exams in india, they became bigger and helped in providing a platform for practicing for the exams.
If not for competitive exams and skewed reservation policies, these physical tuition centers wont exist, let alone online edtech. The whole industry died the day a certain billion dollar edtech decided to use shady methods to sell courses. I have not travelled sough to comment this, but i think i can safely say no country in the world has the tuition system that india does.
People who made money during this small timeline, hit the lottery jackpot & Must retire. You are not going to get another chance.

True EdTech in India wasn’t a revolution, it was a stopgap scam that collapsed under the weight of its own greed.