You or anyone from your family use these apps ?
So working on a case study to understand users who use audio platforms like "Kuku FM" and where can i find them.
also few things like improvements needed, what content involved will help in better retention and engagement.

You won't find people listening to PocketFM here. The user segment is completely different

Hey man, i can see as you are from Pocket FM. Can you help me with few insights on the user base.

Could you please tell me what sort of folks use apps like Kuku FM, Pocket FM etc?

Despite the promotion of audio apps like Kuku FM and Pocket FM etc by social media influencers targeting Gen Z and millennials, I have not personally witnessed anyone from these age groups within my circle using these apps.

@Ponyta I have seen Generation X and Y to be major user of these platforms.
Gen Z and Millennials Majorly use Youtube and products like spotify, audible with having a modern theme to it.

My mom listened to pocket Fm occasionally. You’re from KUKU FM?

@Internetjankie I am not from Kuku Fm, Just trying to understand the User segment.
That's one common user i have spotted - Mom's

Audible free user, heard many audiobooks (prefer Indian authors english narration)

@BiryaniEnthu many of my friends use it.
Majorly saw a usage patten between a slightly tech savvy/modern people.