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Office Gossip

Most human's perspective is going in wrong direction

Why is ego and wrong attitude is innately tattoed into every human being, why are we not happy with others growth, are we taught to envy them?? We were compared constantly to be better than anyone else, but this has slowly taken the other path were we no more like encouraging one's success, and are very happy when someone falls or fails. Society needs no mask but a true change Of course there are people who are truly genuine and wish whole heartedly, the majority of the people whom we normally deal with is why we have trust issues to share our success and doubting everyone! Sad but true For who can understand kannada
Get Motivated
By · Consultant

Need some direction and lot of motivation

Was reading through the AMA of Juleo founder and I realised I wanted to get on this path for so long (startup journey), but been 2 years now and still working for someone 9 to 9 I also realized I fear extensive, unpredictable work Like data, paperwork, running to government offices, running behind investors, people's problems. I'm sure I would manage all of these perfectly, figure out everything. But the initial itch, don't know what to call it How do I break from this pattern? I don't want to die mediocre or without doing (atleast trying) something I wil enjoy
News Discussion
By · Journalist

Centre Withdraws Lateral Entry Ad on PM Modi's Directions

- Union Minister Jitendra Singh wrote to the UPSC chairman, cancelling the government's advertisement for lateral entry into civil services. - PM Modi directed the DoPT to withdraw the ad inviting applications for 45 central government posts via lateral entry. - The decision faced criticism from both the opposition and NDA allies like JD(U) and LJP. - PM Modi believes lateral entry must align with constitutional principles of equity and social justice, particularly regarding reservation. - Singh emphasized the importance of upholding social justice to ensure representation for marginalized communities in government services. Source: [Moneycontrol](
Software Engineers
By · Head of Marketing

Need some help with a redirection problem with compmy website a

Hey Folks I am working with the tech team in-house on a redirect issue which is causing problems in seo We have react and next JS front end with a wordpress subdomain. All Wordpress links that are hyperlinked in the main website are being truncated and the last / in the URL is disappearing. This is causing redirection and crawl problems in googlebot and screaming frog spider with no seo changes being done on Wordpress pages reflecting in Google serp. Anyone here who has worked on such an issue or would like to consult on this issue? Happy to connect irl to discuss this in detail.
Office Gossip

Concerns about the Platform's Direction: Maintaining Quality and Uniqueness

I have been following this platform since it had nearly 500 users and have been a part of its Discord community for over two years. During this time, I have gained valuable insights and developed a deep respect for the kind individuals I have encountered and the meaningful posts that have been shared. However, I must express my concerns. I am saddened and apprehensive because I do not want this platform to become just another saturated and mainstream platform. Over the past couple of months, I have noticed an increase in posts lacking intellectual or helpful intent and any content that contributes value to the community through insightful discussions. Instead, there is an increasing trend of people engaging in random and polarized political discussions, either directly or indirectly, or simply sharing mainstream articles and seeking opinions on matters of little significance. Therefore, I kindly request the moderators to consider the quality of the posts. I hope that this platform does not become or shares the denominator with those which are oversaturated and mainstream, as I have high expectations for its potential.
Indian Startups
By · Co-founder

How do you find right people who help you put in right direction?

I’m wondering if finding right people who can help you in the success who went through the journey you’re going through currently? I don’t mind valuing their time in the monetary sense
Software Engineers
By · Software Engineer

Ingredients of Success : Direction & clarity of career > Contacts > Randomness > Hard work > Talent

People believe that talent and hard work are key to success... However having observed hundreds of cases around me for years, I have come to the conclusion that Ingredients of Success is Direction > Contacts > Randomness > Hard work > Talent Of course, you have to be above certain threshold to bring these factors into cobsiderations