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Private company

Software Engineers
By · Software Developer

Which all states are giving BH vehicle registration for all private company employees ?

If so then what all documents are required? Thanks
Indian Startups
By · Product Designer

Should Private Company Salaries Be Public?

Should salaries of all employees in private companies be made transparent, similar to government structures with fixed brackets? Is it legitimate to expect this level of transparency? Transparency could also foster employee trust, discourage discrimination, and promote equitable compensation practices.
Indian Startups
By · Founder

How to raise small amount for Private company?

Currently the authorised capital is 10lakhs, 1lakh shares and share price is 10. 50% stake is with me and 50% with my friend. We are building an app and need to hire some interns, pay some bills. My friends dad has agreed to give us 3 lakhs but wants 5%. My understanding was that this would be easy and we can just increase share price from 10 to 60 and issue roughly 5000 shares. But CA says that this will require a valuation report to be submitted to the MCA to justify share price increase on books. Is this true? Company has zero assets and liabilities obviously.
Personal Finance
By · Growth Manager

Private company valuations

What are the ways to reduce the stock price of a private company before it goes for IPO? Example: Let's say the stock price of a private company is Rs 8000 with a face value of Rs 10. So one way here is to split the stock in a 1:10 ratio making the stock price Rs 800 which might make it easier for growth of the company Another way I'm aware is to issue bonus shares to the employees which would reduce the stock price What other ways are there? I'm looking for answers where there are benefits to employees and where there aren't