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Last year i joined here and told, it will be a lot of analytics work(they were building analytics team here)..
But guess what, my manager resigned after a month I joined.
I'm just doing work on excel, shit reporting work and nothing el...
just saw the viral post from the Gojek guy about managing early success. I could relate a lot and I really wanted to talk about another thing that comes along with it: having to hire and manage people with more experience, who are much o...
Mention three corporate idioms or phrases that have significantly contributed ( if not contributed then pissed off) to your IT journey?
Starting with me -
Keep the lights on On the same page Slice and Dice
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In my LinkedIn feed lately, every time a company does something new, everyone jumps on it like there’s free cake, all trying to grab a slice of the attention.
Hi people, got offers from these companies. Any insights on work culture and tech growth for a SDET role?
Hi people,
I got a offer from slice recently . Can anyone give more insight on company’s future and work culture?