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Ask Grapeviners
By · Software Engineer

What is one memory from your childhood that comes back to you again and again?

For me, I remember being a child back in Mehsana in Gujarat. It was our school sports day on the 26th of January. And then the earthquake happened. I blank out on the next one minute, but it was a whole lot of chaos, almost a stampede with 100s of small kids freaking out and trying to run for safety. Some time later my dad came to pick me up at School - and he explained to me what an Earthquake is.
By · Software Developer

Favorite childhood memories that you miss now?

Also, tell if you feel like me that when I was a child I used to have this mentality that when will I become an adult and now I feel the opposite( want to go back and live my childhood again), does this happen with you? If we would have been slightly mature in childhood we could have lived it more enjoyably, coz there are tradeoffs between being immature and stress handling. Stress has skyrocketed now but we often deal with it but don't have that child like carefree life but in childhood we couldn't handle stress and always cursed why we cannot live like adults and when we will become one, just a mere thought, sorry if it mistakenly offended anyone.
Get Motivated
By · Technical lead

Generic concern: Struggle to get fatherhood for second time

This is not related any professional things. It is just my personal struggle I am facing since last 1 year. Need some suggestions from people around here. I have 1 baby boy of 3.9 years old. Last year we had one spontaneous miscarriage. After that did not get success for next 5 months. Then when went to hospital, doctors started some hormonal treatment. In that also we did not able to conceive. But after the treatment, my partner got so many side effects. She got health issues. Then after 2 months of stopping treatment, now her health is back to normal. After that also 3 months passed, but still we are unable to conceive. It is been 1 year we are unable to conceive after last miscarriage. And in past both conceive was happened naturally. Our age is 31+. I am getting fear to take my wife to hospital and started fertility treatment again considering side effect we got in our last treatment. I fear if she gets healthy issues due to this treatment. Also, both time we had conceived naturally without any treatment. People around here could you please suggest on this? Should we wait for some more months before visit hospital ? Or we should start the fertility treatment straight away? Sorry for asking this type question here. Please ignore it if you don’t want answers. Hope you can understand my situation. Thanks.
Good Eats

Childhood snacks we all miss

Doesn't need to be branded
By · Product Manager

A lot of society does not appreciate motherhood until no one wants to do it.

I often see discussions like - "Women have been misled into thinking that being a mother is worse than working" - Stay-at-home moms caring for toddlers around the clock are often dismissed as overreacting when they express exhaustion. - Motherhood is praised as beautiful, but a pregnant woman's body is criticized & when women see motherhood labeled as a thankless job and choose a different path that garners respect, people dawn their surprised Pikachu face.
Movies & Music
By · Founder

What's a childhood cartoon that deserves a reboot?

By · Software Engineer

Childhood Misconceptions

I vividly remember being amazed that the moon was ""following"" us on long car rides. I was convinced it was some kind of magical companion for nighttime travelers. Took me embarrassingly long to figure out that one! Looking back, the things we believed as kids can be comedy gold. Whether it was misunderstanding how the world works or taking something an adult said way too literally, we all had some wild ideas. What's the funniest misconception you had as a child that cracks you up now?