SafarnaamaAccenture28dHow much does protiviti pay for Business process management consultant for 2-3 yoe?53
SafarnaamaAccenture28dHow much does protiviti pay for Business process management consultant for 2-3 yoe?412.9K views
DenseAmnestyEY1moWhat does protiviti pay for a consultant from Big4 with 3+ years of expirence?I,ve cleared my interviews and waiting for HR discussions. Would like to know your thoughts about the number which I should ask.42
AarushiStudent3moDoes anyone work in Protiviti consulting firm in Noida or Gurgaon?I need to know about the culture, perks and benefits and all necessary stuffs.412
DecimalPinkDeloitte6moProtivitiHow is the work culture of Protiviti. Do they allow remote work. If hybrid, then how days do you have to go to the office a week. How is salary structure n hikes?61