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5 Subtle ways to not give a fuck

Have you ever noticed that holding onto anger or resentment only causes you more pain, while the person who wronged you remains unaffected? Research shows that most of our negative thoughts are repetitive and automatic. It turns out, we're naturally inclined to accumulate emotional baggage. Our ego often plays a significant role in whether we master the art of letting go or not. Here are 5 simple shortcuts to help: Avoid engaging in meaningless arguments (especially about politics). Let's be honest: you're unlikely to change anyone's mind. At best, you might end up polarized, clashing with family and friends over issues that have minimal impact on your life. Be a spectator of your emotions. You don't have to dive into them unless you choose to. This takes daily practice, but it's worth the effort. Identity is an illusion. Try not to identify with your knowledge but instead be a user of it. This way, you won't feel constantly defensive when someone challenges your beliefs. Like everything, this takes practice, but it's worth it. Not giving a damn is a lifestyle. We're biologically driven to push back against things that don't align with our worldview, whether it's family conflicts or disagreements with strangers online. But what if we stopped caring about trivial matters and focused on what truly matters to us? Justice is often elusive or not worth the effort. Many times, we harm ourselves in pursuit of justice. Recognize when the urge for justice is a battle you can't win right now.