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Business Roles
By · Product Manager

non mba, pm at a traditional nbfc

currently working at a traditional nbfc (brick and mortar branch led operations, mainly focusing on study abroad loans), I've been part of the skilling/domestic education loans team. a new business unit within the org since 1.5 yrs, as the only pm, have managed to build digital product with a robust portfolio on a lower base tho. my orgs is super stable but very slow when it comes to focusing on this new business unit. my learning curve has gone for a toss, hence im looking for a change. I've done product/founder's office roles in past within the fintech eco-system. looking back to joining a company where things atleast move. im open to product/founders office roles. please do share openings within your networks. thanks.
Product Managers
By · Product Manager

Imposter syndrome as a PM with non traditional background

All the PMs I see have an MBA or are past engineers. I'm from an arts and design background, Tier 1 institute. Worked in tech for 5+years and learned how to build products. Based on feedback so far, I'm doing fine. But I worry about progressing in my product career without those external signals. Product feels like a boys club full of people from the same universities and backgrounds, with the same extreme quant-driven approach. Is there room for diverse educational backgrounds in product management, realistically? Which companies have you see hiring these types of PMs? Would love to hear from others in the same boat.
Office Gossip
By · Assistant Manager

Do you think traditional schools / colleges shifting to online mode during COVID messed up the EdTech space ?

Just a random thought which popped in my mind that when you say online classes most people tend to feel uneasy due to how online classes were conducted by our traditional schools / colleges which to be very honest the faculties are technologically challenged and lack the tools or knowledge to conduct them. It was just a joke tbh. Now however people have that idea of online education in mind which means they are completely against online education and EdTech even though these are companies who have the knowledge and technology to conduct them well and are made for online education. How can we fix this mess and do you think EdTech will survive as an industry or become obsolete in India ?
Software Engineers

Are there any folks in the industry without a traditional engineering degree?

As the title suggests, is there any hope of getting hired by a decent company without eng degree. Is bootcamp a good option or should i continue self learning? TIA
Personal Finance
By · Product Manager

Working at a traditional nbfc

So in sept 2022, i made the reverse switch that is Startup--->traditionally run nbfc. The current co. Where I work is operational since 2017, profitable (~PAT of 30crs) With 3 years and 10 months of work ex I'm currently reporting to the business head and I'm the only product manager/owner for their new business unit. Current hikes have matched the nbfc standards however the CTC still feels on the lower end. Looking for some advice on what the fintech/new age nbfc's have on offers. Ps my current CTC post hike (within 7 months) of joining is 9.2LPA. My background is non tech