
When is the right time to focus on your own venture? Looking for some advise!

Hi, People of Grapevine! About 6 months ago I made a post looking for suggestions on whether I should quit a work project that paid me 1.5L per month. I’m happy to report not only did I quit that company shortly after, but I got an offer from a sort of a mentor to work at a Dubai based law firm (remote, of course). To months ago, I also got two new clients on retainer for 1.5L each. The firm is quite good, unlike traditional Indian law firms, and the work pressure is not super intense. However, I feel like I’ve come to realise… I just hate working “for” someone else. With my personal clients, I have a sense of “freedom”. Like I can work from any part of the world, but with the firm, I feel this sense of being “bound”. I’m bound to my desk from morning until evening. I haven’t been able to visit events and even though I usually would be working anyway, I would sometimes work from a relative’s place, sometimes go out with my family or if need be, or even travel! There are a couple of business events and conferences I missed out on as well. The thing is… I’ve never really worked in a traditional law firm or office. Even though, this isn’t a traditional law firm either, it’s the closest I’ve come to and I’m wondering if the fact that I want to quit within barely 6 months speaks something larger about my ability to work? I know I am ambitious and I want to become the go-to expert in my field of work, do you guys think by being unable to work in a firm or office setup like this, I would be hampering that? Also, I’m good at what I do, great, infact. But of course, to a lot of people the “firm” tag matters. I also acknowledge that this might be the only time in my life I can really work “under” someone as I feel later in life it might be too late. I guess, I’m wondering… Would quitting and focussing on my practice and choosing only client based work hamper my career growth in any way? -Continued in comments-




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Independent Law Practice

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Independent Law Practice

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Big 4 on

by Frustrated_QA


Thinking of quitting the firm, need Help!

Hi all, I am a recent BCA graduate , from tier 3 college. I was hoping that i would get a chance to work on amazing techstack when i joined Deloitte but unfortunately they onboarded me pretty late and i had already rejected offers for few organisations for the role of SDE, junior AI/ML associate and so on in the respective field. I did this because i was hoping that Big4 is a better place to learn and grow. When i joined in Feb 23 i was given training on Software Testing where i don’t have interest and i tried reaching higher ups but they told i might get a chance to work on tech i am interested in when i get projects. So i pursued this and got project on Testing as well, there also people said if you want to work on other areas there is no guarantee but you can help the developers as well and learn. Maybe you will get the chance to shift from QA but no guarantee. I am so frustrated with my current position, wherever i am applying they are not hiring me for the reason of having irrelevant experience and i can’t do internships as my family condition is not good and i have to constantly support them. I am stuck between quitting and taking a break due to financial problems but if i continue this how will i build relevant experience and switch to a different organisation. I request everyone to kindly help me getting a clarity, what should i do ? Can anyone help me get a different job role somewhere else? I am open to work in the field of Data and AI , Analytics as well.


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Insanity check on leaving 2Cr at 26

I have a remote job with 250k USD/2CR base salary and get to travel for free internationally 6 times a year to beautiful places in Europe. My manager is a saint and I don’t think I will ever find someone as good as him. I am considering leaving this job to startup. I would love to hear everyone’s unfiltered thoughts on this please 🙏🏼 Firstly, this is not a fake post - Luckily I have been one of the few people who were early in AI to train very large LMs, so I have an edge and get paid crazy money for it. Why am I leaving? Over the last one month I had time off from work to build a new AI capability for coding assistants. It’s a technological breakthrough and my AI is 10X cheaper and has 100% codebase coverage for automatic feature development, bug fixing and automating 3rd party integrations into your very large codebases. Others are working on it as well, but I have achieved higher results on public coding assistants benchmarks(SWE-bench). I believe in this breakthrough and technology, and this is the absolute right time to build it, not 6 months ago, not 6 months later - too early and too late. This could potentially be my next moonshot or I could also fail, but learn a lot in the process and not have regrets 5 years down the line in not pursuing a breakthrough in AI that someone down the line is going to monopolise. My financial situation is good and bad - I have NW of 3.2 Cr, but they are tied in 2 real estate properties - I am aware that this is stupid to not have anything liquid. I have a running home loan of 1Cr to the bank and 30 lakhs to be paid to my Dad, these two are my biggest mental blockers. My wife(married early this year) earns really well as well and I have some ~20L liquid, so day to day runway is of easily 1 year. Finally, I don’t believe that it I leave my current job, I will ever get another international offer that pays this well in cash and has remote work given how to market has changed recently. I am trying to disassociate from a greed mindset and looking into a potentially very high exponential growth/learnings. Please provide your suggestions frens, I am planning to speaking to my manager on Monday 🌻🌻


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Contemplating my decision making

So, i'm on the job hunt again & i spend a good chunk of my day thinking about the decisions i have made. 1. Quit my first job at Digit insurance because the work was super monotonous. Wanted to try something different. 2. Discovered product management, started doing cases, eventually got an internship- Gap of 6 months 3. Did internships at a solar company & Shiprocket, then got a full time APM job at a logistics firm- salary bump of 4X 4. Learned that my mother had complications on her knee surgery, got severely sick & would require constant care. Quit my job to take care of her for 6 months. 5. Explored an idea of mentorship platform, validated with 100+ people but couldn't start due to feasibility problems. Got an offer from Cashkaro next as APM- Gap of 6 months Total gap so far- 18 months 6. Quit cashkaro on may due to very disrespectful culture(created specifically by founders), authority over influence, severe communication gap between tech & product(no standups, no meetings, no updates) 7. Looking for opportunities again- current gap of 3 months already What are your views on this? Anything i could've done better? I'm asking because no matter how hard I try to explain the gaps, the eyebrows are always raised. Getting rejected left & right, 70% of the jobs are secured for tier-1 folks & for the rest, it feels like you have to Ranbir Kapoor in Animal with Arjan vaily playing in the background(just slaughter everyone to go through) Would appreciate your views