Percentage of Total CTC did you pay in tax ?
Govt of India is best at killing Middle Class. What percentage of your total CTC did you pay in tax. Income Tax department id the new Sahukar.
30% bracket but pay 0% in tax.
Is this legit? Read this today
Why do tax payers bear all the burden?
Enough resources for AI models to detect tax evasion, but can’t make basic roads without potholes. A country of contradictions.
Toh nahi dikaneka na fake receipts? Isme kya issue hai?
I find it very alarming that people want to perpetuate fraud / lie and still consider that legal and ethical, and expect no consequences.
I have a problem with the government taking selective action. They are okay with letting big businesses go but torment taxpayers!
Yes, government can re-open your ITR filing assessment upto 6 years If I remember correctly, as the AI/ML model matures over time and reduces false positive, government will re-open a lot of them and send violations notices. Better to be safe then sorry
We bear the burden bcoz we can be easily scared 🤷🏻♂️
Govt of India is best at killing Middle Class. What percentage of your total CTC did you pay in tax. Income Tax department id the new Sahukar.
30% bracket but pay 0% in tax.
Would the government actually penalize to those who file itr with heavy bogus Claims like 1.5l on 80c, 50k on 80d, 3l on HRA?
If so, what's the penalty would be?
I see many of my colleagues consulting CAs for ITR filing and getting huge returns. What I gathered from their filings were bogus Health Insurance claims, fake HRA claims etc being utilised for showcasing huge deductions. These filings w...