
A big name in tech Vs 0-1 high growth place

Came across this post on X recently, the point sounds valid in my opinion but wanted to know from the community cuz I recently took a decision between a unicorn b2c start-u which is super popular vs a b2b SaaS startup which is known among the tech community. Post link:




9 months ago




9 months ago




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9 months ago

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Indian Startups on

by Royalflush


PSA: What 8 years in startups have taught me

I've been in startups for the last 8 years. From Series B/C onwards to even a unicorn, over time worked at 3. One of them was an outright scam, raised many millions of $s from top investors, and then ultimately died. Also close with CXOs at decent sized startups, and there is a pattern out there. A few thoughts: 1. Being a startup founder is tough. There's pain. Some people thrive in pain. AKA Masochists. Know how to spot a founder who works 15 hours a day because they love their vision vs. somebody who works 15 hours a day because they're masochists. These people thrive in pain, and hence love to see you miserable as you slog away the hours under their leadership. There is absolutely no vision for the future that they have. They do it for the fame, money, and cause a lot of pain in the process. Nothing good comes out of it. Investors love this breed. 2. I wish I'd done more than just leave the scammy startup. At the point, I decided against whistleblowing. Because I thought there's so many people employed here, they would all be impacted. Over time, 200-300 people more joined after I left. Once the scam was caught, all of them lost their jobs. 3. I'm not a coder. I'm a generalist. Over time, my pay grew but not in line with my peers who went into consulting/VC and then came back to big tech/startups. Over time, you disadvantage yourself if you stick around as a generalist in startups for too long. The next team pays you at some premium over the last one, there's no step jump. You need to somehow find a successful startup early, and genuinely, that is impossible to game - even VCs have to bet on 20 to get it right. These are a few disjointed thoughts. I hope they give some insight. My only takeaways: - If you work at a scammy startup, don't stand it. At least, don't stick around. - I earn lesser than my peers (tier 1 undergrad), but I regret nothing. I love my work, and I'll never get over the kick. I cannot imagine working at a larger company ever again. - Ultimately, you have to be optimistic. Believe that India will grow, good founders will come around, magic will happen ❤️


Misc on

by AvgRasmalaiEnjoyer


LinkedIn Gyaanis should be banned

Rant. Chappri Interns and mid af SDEs on LinkedIn have destroyed the entire point of the platform. Every Tier 1 graduate working at Microsoft or Walmart posts their own pic in some Manali hillstation and give 400 lines of unsolicited gyaan, which virgin btech 2nd year students cant help but drool at. I get it bro/sis, you mugged up 800 LC mediums and Microsoft came to your BITS campus and picked you up because you solved a system design question in the interview which scales infinitely for infinite users. No, i dont want to enroll is PrepCracker's System Design Cohort for just Rs 69,999 and replace Hotstar's CTO. Folks like Arpit Bhayani and Addy Osmani are the only reason I open linkedin to actually get some ground level reality of how to be a better SWE, but all i see is bhaiyya didi telling me why my resume is not getting selected because i didnt pay Rs. 1,999 for their Topmate Resume Review session. Due to them Twitter is full of 2nd year dimwits who think swe is the only path to liberation and their bhaiyya didi will be their guiding angel. They won't. They'll turn out just like your average 3.5lpa employee at WITCH. The only way to become a good swe is figure shit out yourself and do what you love. Its that simple. Im from a shit tier 3 college. I've cracked FAANG and that too with 42 lc solved. What DSA bro? Thankyou to the Grapevine team for building a good platform where genuine watercooler discussions take place. Deleted LinkedIn for good until i get my sanity back.


Indian Startups on

by AlphaGrindset

Series A Startup

The Generalist - #1: Why you should not stay only in startups

Hi folks, thinking of writing a regular mini blog here about my learnings being a generalist in the ecosystem. I currently handle growth at an ecom startup and have previously been through 2-3 startups + a large corporate in my 7 year career. #1: Why you should not stay only in startups Recently started reflecting on salaries of many peers who are also startup folks and trying to see where it stands. There are 3 cohorts: a. People who started out in Big 4/Corporate & then became a generalist: They've been underpaid the most. First pay was 4-5L, and when they transitioned to startups, started at 7-9L. Over time, growing from there is difficult without MBA. b. People who have forever been in startups: They earn more than A on average. But here too, there is a delta in their salaries vs. people with same YoE who went to an MBA and are in corporate now. Side note: I've seen this cohort has usually loved what they've done, and being in startups definitely has positively impacted their thought process. c. People who went to a corporate/big tech etc. mid way: This cohort has done the best long term. Their pay got recalibrated when they went to a larger company in the middle through their career, and when they rejoined startups, they were respected more in salary negotiation. This is to anybody out there who is a generalist and sees a similar path. Try to sandwich a proper, large company in your career. It gives you perspective on whether you like it and if startups is really your preferred route. And it also recalibrates your pay. Startups will limit you basis your last salary. Corporates have standards basis bands. Just something to think over. NOTE: Do share feedback, if this makes sense. And if you'd like to read more of these too.