
Cheating is so prevalent

This girl bashed guys who said they lost jobs to diversity hiring and look at her cheating and getting into FAANG Will add image of that tweet in comments if possible




3 months ago




3 months ago




3 months ago




3 months ago




3 months ago




2 months ago

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Data Scientists on Grapevine: Should I Ask For Sick Leave After Being Cheated On

I just found out today Iā€™ve been cheated on by my long term girlfriend who I lived with. Turns out sheā€™s been cheating for a few months but sheā€™s only just told me now because sheā€™s fallen out of love for me and sheā€™s fallen in love with him, so sheā€™s leaving me for him. She says I neglected giving her the attention she needed because I was so focused on work I forgot to do the nice things for her like bring her flowers, or take her out for dinner or to just show her how much I loved her. Even though Iā€™m so heart broken and havenā€™t stopped crying, I do forgive her because itā€™s true my work hours were bad and because we lived together I kept thinking in my head ā€œitā€™s fine, ill make it up to her next timeā€. Plus, I was planning to quit my job once bonus comes at the end of this year to find a more chilled job so I could spend more time with her, I truly am ready to leave my job and that was my plan so I was just holding out until then. But now I wonā€™t have the chance because she said its too late she has already lost interest in me and loves him. But this guy is a software engineer at a FAANG company earning 60-70L a year whilst only having to work 9-5 so heā€™s richer and has more free time to give her attention. Actually she said he only works around 3 hours per day, he does around 1 hour in morning then 2 hours after lunch and for the rest of the day heā€™s free to spend time with her, and his company doesnā€™t notice or mind. So this guy earns almost 3x my compensation for only 3 hours a day meanwhile Iā€™m working 12 hours a day She would sneak out whilst I was at work to go on dates with him or round his house and then she would come back to my home in my bed in time for when I arrived from work so I wouldnā€™t notice. Now I feel really broken, Iā€™m in no mental state to be working I canā€™t think about anything else I have deadline for work today and Iā€™m just sat here crying writing this post. I know men are meant to be strong and hold our emotions together but I really am sad. I want to ask for 3 days sick leave at work but I donā€™t know if this normal and acceptable to do? Given most sick leave would be for grievances like the death of a loved one etc. or am I being a cry baby and I should man up and continue to work?


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by AvgRasmalaiEnjoyer


LinkedIn Gyaanis should be banned

Rant. Chappri Interns and mid af SDEs on LinkedIn have destroyed the entire point of the platform. Every Tier 1 graduate working at Microsoft or Walmart posts their own pic in some Manali hillstation and give 400 lines of unsolicited gyaan, which virgin btech 2nd year students cant help but drool at. I get it bro/sis, you mugged up 800 LC mediums and Microsoft came to your BITS campus and picked you up because you solved a system design question in the interview which scales infinitely for infinite users. No, i dont want to enroll is PrepCracker's System Design Cohort for just Rs 69,999 and replace Hotstar's CTO. Folks like Arpit Bhayani and Addy Osmani are the only reason I open linkedin to actually get some ground level reality of how to be a better SWE, but all i see is bhaiyya didi telling me why my resume is not getting selected because i didnt pay Rs. 1,999 for their Topmate Resume Review session. Due to them Twitter is full of 2nd year dimwits who think swe is the only path to liberation and their bhaiyya didi will be their guiding angel. They won't. They'll turn out just like your average 3.5lpa employee at WITCH. The only way to become a good swe is figure shit out yourself and do what you love. Its that simple. Im from a shit tier 3 college. I've cracked FAANG and that too with 42 lc solved. What DSA bro? Thankyou to the Grapevine team for building a good platform where genuine watercooler discussions take place. Deleted LinkedIn for good until i get my sanity back.