Survey for smallcase
Hey folks, just need 2 minutes of your valuable time. Fill out this form if you ever use smallcase app
Thanks in advance bhagwan apaka bhala kare🥰🥰
Hello everyone,
I'm conducting a survey on Tax Accounting Software.
Please take a moment to fill out this form— ( it'll take hardly 5-10 minutes:)
Your feedback is crucial to us. Thank you!
Hey folks, just need 2 minutes of your valuable time. Fill out this form if you ever use smallcase app
Thanks in advance bhagwan apaka bhala kare🥰🥰
Hey folks, just need 2 minutes of your valuable time. Fill out this form if you ever use smallcase app
Thanks in advance bhagwan apaka bhala kare🥰🥰
Hey folks! I’m mentoring a start-up that’s working in the home decor space. Would be really helpful if you could fill out this quick survey. Would take hardly 5 mins but mean the world to us.
Hey community!
Thinking a little ahead here, but I want to know how to find a good CA for my tax filing. This is the first time I'll be filing my own taxes. Any recommendations and tips are welcome :)
P.S. Working in Bangalore.