Bangalore is at its downfall, and the biggest reason are their natives( not all) who never accepted people from other...
On a recent episode of Nikhil Kamath, he says “Bangalore is famous for nice and welcoming people”. This is so very true to a large extent. Every city however has some outliers who tarnish the image by going extreme.
I have seen a lot of posts on GrapeVine complaining about Bangalore and their people. People should understand that every native resident of a city carries a profound sense of connection and endeavours to uphold the cultural heritage of their hometown. And what better way to preserve heritage than to safeguard language ? This is the reason I believe most non Hindi speaking cities try to impose their language on outsiders.
All said and done, I feel language should never be imposed but at the same time it shouldn’t be ridiculed either. I’ve seen a lot of “Kannada” hate post and is disheartening to see it.
And lastly I appologize to all those who have had negative experiences due to a few troublemakers.
TL;DR : Bangalore is a lovely city with warm and welcoming people.
I think these welcoming people are outsiders themselves. Actual natives hates outsiders and as per recent events they are trying to send back people, specially north Indians.
I’m sorry you feel that way man. Bangalore has been warm and welcoming long before the IT revolution started.
Ohh. I have been here from 2 years but didn't find it warm from the localites.
Let me be as blunt as possible. I have went to 2-3 IT cities be it Delhi, Bangalore, Pune or Hyderabad. Every place has their own language and culture and there is no denying that each of these places have huge numbers of non-native people but all of them live in harmony. Not a single time I have seen the locals abusing and using violence on these outsiders but why is only Bangalor famous for it? Haven't been to Chennai but still never seen one complaint of locals abusing and beating outsiders on petty issues. And mind you, I am a native from one of these mentioned cities and I have literally never ever discriminated anyone because they are an outsider. And please don't involve whole Karnataka in this...only the natives of Bangalore have this some sense of superiority and fail to unserstand living in harmony.
" billionaire says people in the city are nice and welcoming". Obviously His personal experience would be very different from the normal person. Before the French revolution, the rich nobles had more than enough to eat but normal people were starving.
Hey the billionaire you are referring to was an average Joe who who grew up in Bangalore and is speaking out of his collective experience.
I agree. Been here for more than 5yr and through entire Covid 3 waves, I would have been dead in if not for Bangalore. As an immigrant, I accept that I have come to this city for livelihood, not because I was invited. I am not entitled to guest privileges from the locals.
If locals feel touchy about Kannada, I understand. I do not think it's much effort, but I have started learning Kannada and I can learn enough in a month to get through my day entirely in the language.
This city is enterprising, citizens here solve issues on their own. The townhall meetings held were such an example. Then there was another where residents came forward and cleaned a lake.
Your attitude is so refreshing. Your comment made my day 😄
Thanks. This is analogous to another event.
I changed jobs and at the new employer they have a different stack and expect us to code in a different language. I have to learn that to fit in, cant tell them to workaround and embrace Java coz it's most popular. Takes a month of effort to adapt.
Newcomers should not dictate terms and try to change the existing ways. First embrace the existing life and only then maybe you can voice your opinion.
I don't think anyone was ever physically assaulted in Bangalore for not speaking Kannada. Heckled yes, but bashed/thrashed/assaulted hell no.
I am an outsider too and my kannada is one of the worst. My local friends acknowledge that- it's just that I am not even good with my own mother tongue. But that aside every time I interact with a local - cops, babus, drivers, villagers in my halting kannada, trust me I sense a genuine acknowledgement from them at my attempt and I get my work done without any hassle. Thats all they look for - an acknowledgement that their culture and language also exists for people beyond their boundaries of ethnic construct. While yes there are outliers like anywhere, but people don't bash the other person for speaking Hindi. As already pointed by other people in audience here, not unlike in Pune. And definitely not unlike in Chennai, people bashing Bangalore have clearly not experienced how much worse hindi speakers would be treated there even 10 years ago.
And that actually applies to any society in the world where ethnic languages are spoken - be it French, Mandarin or Swahili.
I say this to my kannadiga friends as an outsider that what's happening now is that for most outsiders Bangalore is a gateway to South India. Had they been to Chennai and then come here, then things would have been viewed differently
Thank you for emphasising this. More and more people need to read this❤️
@Spy0007 @Tichkole @Madhu I’m sorry you have had disappointing experiences in Bangalore.
I hope you embrace the city and the city reciprocates.
Its a fucked up place tbh Indian govt should create more IT hubs in different cities Banglorians have become entitled They should know that they are just a place with good weather
Why settle in a messed up place? Your hometown must be overflowing with golden opportunities. Plus, remote jobs exist – mind-blowing, right?
All the best. Cheers 😄
Yes exactly I have a wfh job But sometimes we have to visit bangalore for a week But guess what this is the feeling obtained from a week only
Bhai kannada hein wo, kannad nahi, no wonder why locals hate outsiders
@ElonMast There you go. Here’s a petty individual seeking an ego boost by mocking the native language of the city he works in. How classy 🔥
Yeah safeguarding language is cool? How - by teaching people Not by abusing, being violent and racist. Why don't you ask companies executive who come and setup office in bangalore to speak in kannada first. Why to impose only on common people from other states. It's easy to go abuse, beat and be racist toward common powerless middle class guys who want to earn their livelihood in completely legal ways. It's illegal to be racist towards them but people are doing so saying "preserving language"
Hey did you read my post? Or did you just see Bangalore and Kannada in the post and be like, Yeah let me bash him
Yeah I read your post. Whatever I have written is truth where is any bashing in this.
Secondly what you have written is soft imposition of language. You mentioned preserving language. Reason of imposition of language and a soft stance toward it. Along with justifying this.
While you have every right to preserve language and culture but without interfering in other people right to move freely, to work anywhere in country, to equal opportunity.
You can promote the language and culture in a grand way but can't impose it. It's worrying more and more people are becoming hateful day by day. What happened in December was shameful and some action was taken. If educated people like you start supporting this than things would not be good for long.
While I have met a lot of native welcoming guys and I think bangalore is more welcoming that chennai for sure but situation is detiorating. And I don't justify for any kannada hateful post if any. even softly.
Ridiculing/hate language on GV? Aink, when?
I saw one comment where he said he’d gaslight Kannadigas
We are Indians, born to be divided and make a scene till the end. I guess these issues will never resolve. Nothing will change. I grew up in Bangalore, things were much better pre-covid, now things have taken off with lot of unnecessary fights. Social media helps amplify this which sucks. So I don’t really see a resolution to this.
Also to those saying Chennai/Hyderabad are more welcoming, those cities don’t have as many IT people from other parts compared to Bangalore. Let them grow and eventually you’ll see similar things there too.
Our diversity is probably the root cause of the conflicts we have, and I genuinely feel is also the limiting factor for a faster development as a society. Adding to this is the rocket-load of corruption everywhere, inefficient governments, political biases, extreme psychological manipulation of the innocents, still following the colonial mindset and treating our own people in the worst possible ways,
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